Closing Circle

Service Auction Committee

Live Service Auction
People's March and Rally

Trunk or Treat
Rev. Krista in her new office at UCCNB.

Volunteering at SACA Food Shelf & Thrift Store

Back Yard Big Bash

Iftar Dinner hosted by Turkish American Society of MN

Columbia Heights Pride Festival

Volunteering at SACA Food Shelf & Thrift Store

MSUS Holiday Concert Musicians

Merging Waters Coffee House (In Person and Online)
Murder Mystery Dinner

Turkish Dance Ensemble, Dans Aşkına, performed at Pilgrim House/MSUS Fall Festival

Merging Waters Community Values
Drawing on shared values of Mindful Interdependence, Authentic Curiosity and Courageous Love,
we commit ourselves to living out our mission and transforming ourselves and the world, using our MW resources of time, talent and treasure to create and enliven the community we envision.
Unitarian Universalist Beliefs & Shared Values
In Unitarian Universalism our shared covenant is expressed through a set of inseparable and deeply interdependent shared values.
Rev. Krista shares highlights of her childhood.

Rev. Krista describes an experience during college that impacted her worldview.

Rev. Krista talks about her early call to ministry.

Rev. Krista explains what is meaningful to her about the Unitarian Universalist religious movement.

Visit Us
Sunday Services, 12:30pm
United Church of Christ
New Brighton
1000 Long Lake Rd
New Brighton, MN 55112