Generating Creativity -- About Generosity

November's worship theme is Generosity, and following up on the November 12 service, we're asking you to be generous with your creativity and talent.

During the November 12 service, we started to create art together. We generated a bunch of good ideas about what generosity is, why it matters, who we can extend it to, and how we can put it into action. Scroll down for the ideas and phrases and words we came up with during the service. We're asking, inviting, and encouraging everyone to take this list and create something: 

  • A poem about one or two aspects of generosity that jumped out at you. 

  • A short bit of prose. 

  • Or even a song. (If you aren't feeling "musical," you could write the lyrics and let Bruce or Chad or one of our other musicians set it to music).

  • Maybe even a piece of visual art.

What we're hoping for is a set of readings, poems, art, and songs created by MSUS we can use at MSUS services and events. Email your pieces to Chad ( He's super-excited to see what you come up with.

What is Generosity?

  • Giving

  • Sharing kindness

  • Telling a joke

  • Laughing at a joke

  • Thinking of others

  • Saying thank you

  • Asking for help

  • Giving our riches

  • Appreciation

  • Gratitude

  • Accepting

My Limerick

MSUS is filled with
kindness, thoughtfulness, and
We strive to promote a world which
has loving equality.

Being present and listening to
Volunteer time and money; it all

Who Can We Be Generous Toward?

  • People we don’t like

  • Family

  • People we are with every day

  • Ourselves

  • Animals

  • Nature

  • Church

  • Groups that have been disadvantaged

Life is about choices


  • Think about other people

  • Do for other people

  • Volunteer

  • Listen to those who have opposing views

  • Keep my boundaries

  • Accept and love them for what they are

  • Try to think of the other person’s perspective

  • By donating money (to your church)