“At MSUS we are amateurs. We perform for the joy of it. We perform to share our joy with each other and with the MSUS community. ”
- Bruce von Bronkhorst, Director of Music Ministry
If you would like to be a part of the musical joy, or just know more about the music at MSUS, we’d love to hear from you! Fill out and submit the short form below and Bruce, our Director of Music Ministry, will quickly respond.
Bruce von Bronkhorst
Director of Music Ministry
“At MSUS, we are not a group of highly trained professional musicians. Some of our musicians are highly trained, but most are amateurs. And some have very little previous experience in performing in a group. So how would the expectations of our musicians differ from a professional group such as the Minnesota Orchestra, or the Dale Worland Singers, or groups that perform at Crooners?
If our musicians were all paid professionals such as the above groups, their mind set would be “Be the best” because that is what they are paid to be. That is their job and most usually practice four or more hours a day. Many perform in other professional ensembles and teach very advanced private students. They are paid, and are expected to be the best.
In the middle, between the top professionals and amateurs are the groups led by professionals with paid section leaders. The rest of the members make the group through tryouts. The top community bands, choirs and some of the largest churches fall into this middle category. Forty some years ago I tried out for and sang in the Bach Society Chorus. We were performing Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony with the Minneapolis Symphony (now the Minnesota Orchestra).
Because of the expectations of the groups, all of us worked at being the best. Now, when I sing with the Northwest Singing Seniors, (all amateurs, many are choir members at their churches) the expectation is to give our best effort. And we have fun because we aren’t under a lot of pressure to be the best. This doesn’t mean amateur groups don’t put in a lot of effort! We take pride in what we do and we want to do well. But we know our voices and musical abilities are limited compared to professionals, so we try to keep realistic expectations of what we can do.
At MSUS we are amateurs. We perform for the joy of it. We perform to share our joy with each other and with the MSUS community. We gather to rehearse for the social aspect of seeing each other and giving our best effort. Some days our best effort may be reduced due to events in our lives, or being over worked, over having a sore throat, or getting over an injury. Professionals have honed their craft and are trained to be able to perform through less than great days and conditions. They take professional care of their bodies to ensure that they can perform when they are supposed to. That is their job - to do the best no matter what.
Professional performers, and many large churches, have professional technology and trained technicians available to help with their performances. Our MSUS music program works with a few microphones, an amp and speakers.
Will we need to prepare to record 100 voices? No! But we will be able to work with the great musicians we have at MSUS! Will we have the same results as the professionals. No. As MSUS’s paid professional, even I make mistakes (yes, I admit I’m not perfect!!). But as a professional I do try to be the best and do the best. I also make sure I give my best effort no matter how I feel. And that best effort is what our musicians give at MSUS. “