www.unrestrictmn.org – This coalition of 26 grassroots organizations (including First Unitarian Society) works together for better access to full spectrum reproductive justice in MN. UnRestrictMN has a bold post-Roe agenda for MN, including electing our first ever reproductive freedom majority in MN legislature.
www.ourjustice.org – The statewide abortion fund provides financial assistance for transportation, lodging, and abortion procedures. Fantastic organization: I am a regular contributor. If you want to help folks coming to MN for abortion care, consider hosting a house party or fundraiser for Our Justice.
What’s an Abortion, Anyway? by Carly Manes is out of print. It wouldn’t be hard for me to format the simple text into a document. I'll put that on my list of things to do.
https://replica.startribune.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=0413254c-1778-4955-8679-b42fbb5b3f30 The article that I referenced from the Star Tribune, on 9-25-22.
www.rcrc.org – the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice has pro-choice faith statements from several different perspectives.
www.sacreddignity.org – the Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity is a new organization and has a curriculum for congregations.
https://firstunitarian.org/justice-updates/some-post-roe-what-ifs/ My blog post after the SCOTUS leak.
https://firstunitarian.org/justice/unrestrictmn/ Some information about First Unitarian Society’s decision to join the lawsuit that removed restrictions to abortion access in MN.